
CCTV Camera, DFMD, X Ray Baggage Scanner on Rent in G20 Summit in Thiruvananthapuram Kerala

The G20 Summit is a major event that brings together leaders from the world's largest economies to discuss issues of global importance. The most recent summit was held in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, and was attended by heads of state and representatives from 20 different countries. With so many high-profile individuals in attendance, security was of the utmost importance. That's where GTM Secure, a rental security equipment company in India, came in.

GTM Secure provided a range of security equipment for the G20 Summit, including CCTV cameras, DFMDs (Door Frame Metal Detectors), X-Ray Baggage Scanners, and HHMDs (Hand-Held Metal Detectors). These devices are all designed to detect potential threats and ensure the safety of those in attendance.

The CCTV cameras were strategically placed throughout the summit venue, providing real-time monitoring of the event. This allowed security personnel to quickly identify any potential security threats and respond appropriately. The DFMDs and X-Ray Baggage Scanners were used to screen all attendees and their belongings, ensuring that no weapons or explosives were brought into the venue.

The HHMDs, on the other hand, were used to conduct spot checks on individuals who may have raised suspicion. These hand-held detectors are highly sensitive and can detect even small amounts of metal, making them an invaluable tool for security personnel.

CCTV Camera, DFMD, X Ray Baggage Scanner on Rent in G20 Summit in Thiruvananthapuram Kerala

The presence of these security measures was an important factor in ensuring the success of the summit. With so many high-profile individuals in attendance, any security breaches could have had serious consequences. But thanks to the efforts of GTM Secure, the event went off without a hitch.

In addition to providing security equipment, GTM Secure also provided a team of trained security personnel to oversee the screening process. These individuals were highly skilled in detecting potential threats and ensuring the safety of all attendees.

Overall, the G20 Summit in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala was a major success, thanks in part to the efforts of GTM Secure. The use of advanced security equipment such as CCTV cameras, DFMDs, X-Ray Baggage Scanners, and HHMDs helped to ensure that the event was safe and secure for all those in attendance. The presence of these security measures also sends a clear message that the Indian government takes the safety and security of its citizens and visitors very seriously.

In conclusion, the G20 Summit in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala was a major event that required a high level of security. GTM Secure, a rental security equipment company in India, played an important role in ensuring the success of the summit by providing advanced security equipment and skilled personnel. The use of CCTV cameras, DFMDs, X-Ray Baggage Scanners, and HHMDs helped to detect potential threats and ensure the safety of all attendees. With events like this, it is clear that GTM Secure is committed to providing the best possible security solutions for its clients.

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